When we see the elderly in hospital, it is not usually a medical problem alone that has landed them in hospital. Frequently a combination of other chronic medical conditions, increased functional difficulties, caregiver burnout or a change in social circumstances are at play as well. Adding to the misery, the pandemic has magnified the difficulties of keeping the elderly at home.
Supports have been further eroded in the form of family travel restrictions, reduction of public homecare services and decreased access to healthcare services.
Beyond Neighbours has assisted people after hospital discharge with conditions ranging from heart failure to hip fractures. The first two weeks after discharge are often critical in keeping someone from bouncing back to hospital.
An extra pair of eyes could provide early warning of trouble ahead. Extra pairs of hands facilitate mobility which is a critical buffer. Conditioning, or getting people stronger, is a big factor in people failing hospital discharge. Just a week in hospital may take up to a month or more for some people to regain their strength. Movement is good medicine.
We offer on demand home care. This bucks the traditional model of home care where service is scheduled in advance. Clients and their families of Beyond Neighbours can call, text or email to request for help for things such as getting into the door, toileting, cleanup, or an unexpected appointment to name a few.
These activities are termed unscheduled care needs and are the most common cause the hospital recommends someone to long term care. Beyond Neighbours gives you the tools to stay at home longer. Contact us to see how we can help your transition.